What a year, 2021!

When I look back over 2021 and all the things that have happened I am overwhelmed with tremendous gratitude. This year has been nothing like I anticipated, but even more than I could’ve ever dreamed. A businesses first year is usually the most difficult, and starting during a pandemic makes it even more challenging. I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support the community has shown me and would like to say a few thank you’s.
Sola Salons :
You have been so welcoming and encouraging during a scary time. The pandemic has shown the “true colors” of so many business, and being able to experience a community of business owners who truly embrace “community over competition” has been amazing. Having a happy and healthy work space with other like minded and driven individuals has been a welcome breath of fresh air.
My Husband :
To the man who is behind me every step of the way cheering me on pushing me to be the best version of myself, thank you. Your encouragement and confidence in me is invaluable, thank you for helping me build the job of my dreams.
My Family :
Growing up in family owned businesses gave me the tools and guts to go out on my own in a time that would not be considered conducive. The support and encouragement of my family has been a huge source of courage and tenacity, even though they live far away, they are always a text away with a “you got this”, “congrats!”, “I am so proud of you”, etc. .
The DFW community :
As someone who did not grow up here, starting a business has been an eye opening experience. I was born and raised in GA to a family who had already lived in the area for 2 generations. We knew everyone, and everyone knew us, a truly southern environment that I missed. Since opening my own business I have become more connected and have truly felt at home here. The support of other local business owners as well as neighbors and friends has been an uplifting experience. Being nominated for the
Dallas Morning News :
Being nominated for the Best in DFW People choice awards in the massage category totally caught me off guard. I dont know who nominated, but THANK YOU. I never dreamed that this was an award my business would qualify for. Watching the voting happen with only a week left was something I will never forget. Seeing the reposts where people voted and asked their friends, family, and followers to vote too melted my heart. Getting the notification that Sacred Oasis Massage was voted Gold (1st place) in the massage category brought me to my knees, I was absolutely shocked, and so so thankful. Thank you for your loyalty and commitment to helping my business succeed.
I am so excited for all the new things I have planned for 2022, I can not wait to share them all with you. I have been blessed with some wonderful opportunities for growth, and am praying for a few more to come my way too.
See you in 2022, its going to be a wonderful year!