What to expect at your first Massage Therapy appointment.

Ready to come and relax but not sure what to expect? If this will be your first massage, or maybe its just been a while, take a look below. Let us walk you through what to expect during your experience with us from start to finish.
We are located at Sola Salon Studios in Alliance Town Center. Our address is 9140 N FWY, Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX 76177. We are in the same shopping center as Sam Moon, Ashely Home Furniture Store, and Thai & Fusion Ave. There is ample parking, but we always suggest arriving 5-10 minutes before for your appointment. This gives you time to park, let us know you have arrived, and use the restroom before your session starts. This is a great time to swap your phone to silent mode as well so you wont have any distractions during your session. A charging dock will be provided if you would like to charge your phone during your service.
When you arrive use the call box at the front door to let us know you are here. Select “Alexandria Fairbairn” from the name section, and click call. It will virtually alert me and I can buzz you in from the studio. If we don’t respond there you can send us a message via facebook messenger on our facebook page. We will either buzz you in virtually, or come to the door if we are not currently with another client. This process will change after COVID-19 procedures for occupancy are expanded and more people can be in the salon at one time.
We suggest going to the restroom before your session. Once your appointment time arrives we will welcome you in to the studio. All sessions include 10 minutes of consultation/dressing/undressing time. 5 minutes in the beginning and 5 minutes at the end. This is to ensure proper communication for your treatment, and go over your health history. Once the consultation is over, we will step out of the room so you can get undressed to your comfort level, and get under the sheet and blanket on the massage table. The Table warmer will be on unless you request to have it turned off.
Our most frequently asked question during consultation is how much you undress. It is completely up to your comfort level as to how much clothing you remove. You will be modestly draped with the sheet and blanket during the entire session, and all “private” areas will not be worked on, they will remain covered during the entire session. The amount of people who prefer to leave their underwear or socks on in during their session is right at 50/50. Keep in mind any clothing left on will not be moved and any area covered with clothing will not be worked on. Compressions over the sheet may be used for the glute area if you have mentioned you want this area worked on but prefer to leave on your underwear. Good communication is key, be open and honest, everyones personal preferences and comfort level are different and that is okay. We want you to be comfortable and feel safe in our Oasis.
If at any point during your session you have a question, would like a change in pressure, or something feels uncomfortable please speak up and let us know. You will not hurt our feelings if you need more or less pressure, want a change in massage technique, or feel dizzy/nauseous. Everyone reacts to massage differently, and what is relaxing to me, may not be relaxing to you, and vice versa. Some people prefer the slow relaxing movements of Swedish, while some need more pressure and want trigger points worked on. . There are many styles of massage therapy, let us know how we can find the right style and pace for you that gives you he most comfort and relaxation.
At the end of your session, we will step out to allow you to redress, once you are dressed we will step back in to the studio to complete the check out process as well as give you recommendations for at home care. Our most popular recommendations are increasing hydration, Soaking in a warm bath with epsom salt or a bath fizzie, and yoga for stretching. You can also rebook your next session during check out, or do so later using our online booking system. Some clients may need to visit on a regular basis in the beginning to help reduce muscle tension before muscle memory kicks in. At home care can be just as important as your session at the studio. Remember to hydrate well before and after your session to avoid aches from lactic acid movement and detox from your massage or body treatment. Using a mules complex such as Deep Blue, Bio Freeze, or Icy-Hot can help with any soreness you experience after your session.
We have great programs for referring friends and family, as well a loyalty rewards for frequent visits. Ask about these at the end of your appointment or via facebook messenger through our facebook page.
We are so glad you are choosing us to help you relax, rejuvenate, and recharge your mind, body and spirit.