Preferences Sign – The best $20 I ever spent!
If I had of known how popular this sign was going to be when I created it, I would have made more than one! To date my most viral Instagram post is where Well Spa 360 re-shared the Instagram Reel I made of this sign. Over 63k views to date, thousands of likes and hundreds of comments later and here I am making this post to help others make their own signs!
The Original Post :

This sign was created for those days and times when it’s hard to find the words to ask for the gift of silence and serenity amidst the busy fast paced world we live in. While chatting can be therapeutic for social butterflies, silence can be just as sooting and healing for others.
Finding the photo frame was the hardest part, you would not believe how hard it is to find a rotating photo frame that moved the way I wanted it to that could stand along on a counter top. I opted for the 6×4 size as I could easily have a photo printed at any pharmacy that would already be perfectly sized.
Click Here to purchase the photo frame on Amazon
I chose to create images on Canvas and have them printed at my local CVS pharmacy. No cutting to size and the finish would be sturdy to hold up to sun, light, and a little humidity without wrinkling printer paper or ink bleeding. You can create your own based on your Aesthetic, or use the ones I created by clicking here!
I encourage you to create one of these signs and see how your clients like it, I promise it will be used multiple times within the first week! Having multiple ways for your clients to be able to communicate what they need from their time with you can not only help you, but help them too!